SquarePik Featured Photo of the Day – @JakeDavidRohde

SquarePik Featured Photo of the Day – @JakeDavidRohde

Since downloading the SquarePik app on the first day of its launch, I have been using the app as a way to get more creative with my Foursquare check-ins at various venues. Instead of focusing on the Foursquare points I rack up on a weekly basis, I look for ways to take a creative photo at each venue. Each check-in photo or video is then immediately added to my Pikchur profile. (more…)

BizTimesMedia – Innovations: Barcodes could provide new life for print

BizTimesMedia – Innovations: Barcodes could provide new life for print

By Alysha Schertz with BizTimesMedia. To view the article in BizTimesMedia, CLICK HERE.

The internet and other advancements in digital technology have posed major challenges to traditional print media and print advertising.

However, now new technology associated with digital barcode readers on mobile phones could provide a way for print media to connect readers to digital content, expanding the value of the printed product. (more…)

The Google Job Experiment: Genius Use of Pay Per Click Advertising

The Google Job Experiment: Genius Use of Pay Per Click Advertising

Personal branding and striving for creative ways to get the attention of potential employers, is becoming more of the norm. When I created my “Laura Gainor Utilizing Social Media” SlideShare presentation to get the attention of Comet Branding, I knew I was taking a large risk putting myself out there for one company, but the excitement of the potential result was so exciting.

By expressing eagerness to set himself apart, Alec Brownstein has impressed me with his recent Pay Per Click campaign, “The Google Job Experiment,” to eventually land himself a job at Y&R New York. This is an absolute genius and hidden way to pitch his personal branding campaign through pay per click ads for individuals’ names at agencies of interest for Brownstein.

This shows another unique example how young professionals are using their personal brand to get their foot in the door. It pays off to plan your resume distribution strategically, and in this case for Brownstein, it cost $6.

Congratulations Alec and best wishes to you at Y&R New York!